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We help boards to deliver long-term sustainable success by improving
their understanding of risks and behaviours that leave directors exposed.

The field ofrisk management is evolvingto meet the challenges of today’s highly volatile business conditions. It can be difficult for non-specialists to remain current. We keep up to date with latest thinking and its practical application in boardrooms.

We have developed our own Resilience Grid to help organisations identify and address their vulnerabilities by asking the question “What is really going on here” across a range of topics and across a range of individuals.

Resilience informs everything we do

it’s a way of thinking like an innovative engineer understanding the dynamic nature of business building in redundancy designing in modularity embracing innovation ruthlessly eradicating inconsistencies accepting that failure and change are inevitable reconciling conflicting priorities growing capabilities listening to a variety of views of the future responding positively to challenge making evidence-based decisions being insatiably curious constantly asking “why?” constantly asking “why not?” being alert to any evidence that is not what you expect it to be

it’s a way of thinking like an engineer building in redundancy designing in modularity embracing innovation ruthlessly eradicating inconsistencies reconciling conflicting priorities growing capabilities responding to challenge being insatiably curious constantly asking “why?” constantly asking “why not?”

The Resilience Grid

The Resilience Grid was developed in 2020 by ten experienced directors brought together by Resilient Corporates under the chairmanship of Stephanie ShawMSc, with support from Steve Giles, Ian Beswick, Fiona Larg, Dr Deborah Benson and Dimitrios Hatzis.

In her day job, Stephanie led the Civil Aviation Authority’s new Regulatory Approach, including the development of the blueprint for the CAA Academy to create learning pathways, professional excellence and subject matter expertise.

Relying on risk registers

Risk is not uncertainty

Choosing the appropriate technique

Pioneer required additional working capital to expand its US operations.


  • Acquiring additional growth capital  
  • Managing stakeholder expectations 
  • Clear, timely, accurate and forward-focussed measurements


  • A deep dive into the futureproofing of Pioneer’s business model revealed that the directors were overlooking an existential risk.
  • Post-Brexit trading patterns and post-pandemic debt burdens emerged as the fundamental challenges to reaching the goal.

The input of the Resilient Corporates team really helped us focus on the icebergs beneath the surface. With their input we realised that we were facing an existential risk. We were so focussed on post pandemic recovery we missed the change in trading patterns which, if left unchecked, would have led to insolvency. We were in uncharted waters and the Resilient Corporates team made us aware of the Safe Harbour regime, which can protect directors from inadvertently becoming personally liable for corporate debts. Resilient Corporates helped us find appropriate restructuring specialists to safely pilot us through those choppy waters. The early identification of the going-concern challenge was vital to us being here today and we are certainly more attentive to understanding medium term risks. The thing that most impressed us about the Resilient Corporates team was their commitment to truly understanding the complexities of our business. They are experts in finance and governance, but it’s our business challenges that really interested them and they remain interested in our progress long after their work with us finished. They are a fantastic resource to have in your wheelhouse.

Iain, the CEOProject Pioneer